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We write reflections about our explorations in the arts, creativity, prayer, retreats, and spirituality.

We would love to be in dialog with you. Share your thoughts on these topics or respond to what we have written.

We are also available to lead arts & spirituality workshops and retreats. Visit our website for more details: www.DrawingNearer.com
Blessings, Suzanne & Wanda

Moment by Moment

Moment by Moment
Spiral Mandala, oringinal artwork by Suzanne Halstead

Monday, December 14, 2009

Waiting at Windows

What do you find yourself doing in times of waiting?
Waiting for the light to change, waiting for Christmas to come or the birth of your first child or grandchild - what do you find yourself doing?
I have a few pictures of myself as a child waiting - looking out a window. I have this pensive expectant look on my face. I remember at the age of ten, looking out my bedroom window, wanting and waiting for Jesus to appear and visit me.
Much later, in my thirties, I did a series of drawings about looking out windows. The images were of waiting and a deep longing - a longing that is so hard to put into words and yet seemed to take over my whole being.
Expressing these longings in images of color, texture, patterns and light helped me to see deeper into this longing - this waiting - this need to be content in the knowledge that the longing was of God - this special feeling, I believe, God places in each of us - an intense longing to be in relationship with the Holy.
I continue to come to this inward place through the Love that has created me. By my contemplative creating into imagery these feelings, I am drawn nearer to myself, Spirit and those I love.
How do you wait? What is your deepest longing?
Creatively Yours, Suzanne

1 comment:

  1. Waiting is difficult for me. I'm a patient person, but when I want something, its hard to wait for it. Right now, I'm waiting for our first grandchild to arrive and preparing things around the house makes it easier to wait.
    Remember Mr. Rodgers? He used to have a song, "Let's think of something to do while we're waiting...anticipation...something fun to come."
    So keeping busy preparing helps me to wait.
