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Blessings, Suzanne & Wanda

Moment by Moment

Moment by Moment
Spiral Mandala, oringinal artwork by Suzanne Halstead

Monday, December 21, 2009


With Christmas shopping coming to a close, there are still some things I need to purchase.

I'm completely out of self-respect. I need to exchange the self-righteousness I picked up the other day for some humility which they say is less expensive and wears better.

I also want to look at some tolerance which is being used as wrapping this year. One store advertises a sale on "thank you". I think I need a big supply.

Someone also showed me some pretty samples of peace. We are all a little low on that and one can never have too much.

And I must try to match some patience to that which my neighbor wears. It is very becoming to her. I think it might look good on me too. I might try on the little garment of long-suffering they are displaying. I never thought I’d wanted to wear it, but I feel myself drawn to it.

Also, I must not forget to have my sense of appreciation mended and look around for some inexpensive everyday goodness. It is surprising how quickly one's stock of goodness is depleted.

Do you need to go shopping with me?

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