Welcome to our blog!

We write reflections about our explorations in the arts, creativity, prayer, retreats, and spirituality.

We would love to be in dialog with you. Share your thoughts on these topics or respond to what we have written.

We are also available to lead arts & spirituality workshops and retreats. Visit our website for more details: www.DrawingNearer.com
Blessings, Suzanne & Wanda

Moment by Moment

Moment by Moment
Spiral Mandala, oringinal artwork by Suzanne Halstead

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Book available in Print!

Wanda & I are pleased to announce that our book is now available in print!

Drawing Nearer: Devotional Workbook of Creative Prayer

You can order it through our website: www.DrawingNearer.com
You can also sign up for our e-newsletter, retreats, workshops and visit the new Drawing Nearer Studio in Pottstown, PA

We wish you all a Happy Advent Season full of prayerful and creative anticipation to the wonders of the Light & Love of Christmas! Blessings, Suzanne & Wanda