Welcome to our blog!

We write reflections about our explorations in the arts, creativity, prayer, retreats, and spirituality.

We would love to be in dialog with you. Share your thoughts on these topics or respond to what we have written.

We are also available to lead arts & spirituality workshops and retreats. Visit our website for more details: www.DrawingNearer.com
Blessings, Suzanne & Wanda

Moment by Moment

Moment by Moment
Spiral Mandala, oringinal artwork by Suzanne Halstead

Friday, November 20, 2009

How do you draw near?

What are your earliest memories of God?

Some of my earliest memories are of making things and God being there, dancing, swimming, climbing trees and God; building sand castles, coloring, exploring nature and God; sharing, singing, listening… and God was there, waiting and wanting to be with me.

As time went on I realized not everyone had these experiences! How strange – or am I the strange one? Some people call this awareness of God - ‘flow,’ ‘in the zone,’ ‘meditation’ or ‘being present in the moment.” I know it as ‘drawing near.’

And yes, for me drawing means crayons on paper as well as the movement of coming closer – intentionally.

I’d very much like to be in conversation with you about connecting with the Holy. Let’s share our thoughts and feelings about how much God desires to be with each of us both individually and collectively. How are we drawn near to God comes through the endless creative ways with which God has gifted us!

Art making, dancing, singing and “just being” are my direct line to God’s loving presence - what are some of your ways?

Creatively Yours,